Error Code Range: 300-399

300 - ActivityNameMustHaveAlphaNumericCharacters

Activity name must contain at least one alphanumeric character.

301 - ActivityNameNotUnique

Activity name '{0}' is already in use.

302 - ActivityNameSameAsProxyType

Activity name '{0}' is restricted for activities of type '{1}'.

303 - ActivityNameTooLong

Activity name is too long by {0} characters.

307 - CodeDomSerializer_ITypeVariableProviderRequired

A 'ITypeVariableProvider' service is required to serialize type '{0}'.

308 - ConditionEditControl_InvalidRegexControl

The Regular Expression condition edit control can only host Text Boxes and Combo Boxes (and derived classes).

309 - ConditionEditControl_MustBeIValued

Condition edit control '{0}' does not implement IValued.

314 - FailedToInitializeObject

Object '{0}' failed to initialize. (Type: '{1}')

315 - FailedToResolveEntry

Failed to resolve entry with ID '{0}' and name '{1}'.

317 - ManagerAdd_AlreadyAManager

The user is already a manager.

318 - ManagerAdd_CircularOneStep

The user '{0}' cannot be a manager of '{1}' since it is managed by him or her.

319 - ManagerAdd_NoUserValidation

No user was selected.

320 - ManagerAdd_Self

A user cannot be a manager to itself.

321 - MustHaveProxyForAttribute

Activity type '{0}' must have attribute 'Laserfiche.Workflow.ComponentModel.ProxyForAttribute'.

324 - Publishing_MethodNotFound

The method '{0}' was not found when publishing variable '{1}'.

325 - Publishing_TypeNotSupported

The type '{0}' is not supported by the default publisher.

332 - TypeMustDerive

Type '{0}' must derive from the '{1}' class.

333 - TypeMustImplement

Type '{0}' must implement the '{1}' interface.

334 - UserSearch_ApplyChangesError

Failed to apply requested changes: {0}

335 - UserSearch_InvalidViewSelection

The current selection cannot be viewed because it is not a valid user object.

336 - UserSearch_LoadUserError

Failed to load search result: {0}

337 - UserSearch_NoSearchText

No search text has been entered.

338 - UserSearch_NoUserSelectedForView

A user must be selected in order to view it.

339 - UserSearchGenericError

An error occured while searching for users. Error: {0}

340 - UserSearchNoProviderSelected

A provider must be selected in order to perform a search.

341 - XmlReadError

An error occurred while reading Xml for an object of type '{0}'.

342 - XmlWriteError

An error occurred while writing Xml for an object of type '{0}'.

343 - SaveCanvasError

An error occurred while saving the workflow '{0}'.

344 - CouldNotResolveActivityType

Could not resolve activity type '{0}'.

346 - CouldNotResolveWorkflowUIType

{0}-based workflows are not supported for workflow of type '{1}'.

347 - FailedToCopyActivity

Failed to copy activity '{0}'.

348 - FailedToCreateActivity

Failed to create activity of type '{0}'.

349 - FailedToCreateWorkflowUI

Failed to create a workflow canvas for workflow '{0}'.

350 - FailedToReadWorkflowFromXML

Encountered an error while creating the workflow from XML.

354 - ToolboxItemActivatedFailed

The toolbox encountered an error when adding a '{0}' activity to the workflow.

355 - FailedToCreatePrintableCanvas

Failed to create a printable copy of the workflow '{0}'.

356 - ActivityNameHasInvalidFileChars

The workflow name cannot contain any of the following characters: \/:*?"<>|.

357 - AutoSaveError

An error occurred while auto-saving.

358 - LoadingConditionError

Error loading condition xml for rule '{0}'.

359 - LoadingScheduleTriggerError

Error loading trigger xml for schedule '{0}'.

360 - CouldNotToggleRuleState

Could not toggle the active state of rule '{0}'.

361 - RuleDeletionError

Could not delete rule '{0}'.

362 - WorkflowRequiresMigration

The workflow being opened is from an older version and must be migrated.

363 - ActivityNameSameAsWorkflowName

The activity name cannot be the same as the workflow name.

364 - WorkflowNameSameAsActivityName

The name '{0}' is already in use by an activity.

369 - UserProviderLacksSufficientRights

The account '{0}' lacks sufficient access (Manage Trustees) to be used in provider '{1}'.

370 - InstanceWasTerminated

Script request was interrupted because the workflow instance ended.

371 - FileAccessNotAllowed

Access to the file '{0}' is not allowed.

372 - ScriptNotAllowed

The script is not authorized to run.

373 - ScriptTimeout

The script has timed out.

379 - CouldNotLoadInstanceCanvas

Could not load the workflow canvas for workflow '{0}'.

381 - DeleteAutoSaveFileError

Error deleting auto-save file '{0}'.

383 - DependencyMissing

Missing dependencies detected. Please re-install.

385 - ErrorCompletingSearch

Could not complete search.

387 - ErrorLoadingSettings

Could not reload all of the user's settings.

391 - ErrorRetrievingInstanceDetails_NoDetails

Could not find details for instance '{0}'.

392 - ErrorSavingCanvas_NameBad

Error saving workflow '{0}'. The workflow name cannot be the same as another activity.

395 - FailedToCreateCanvas

Failed to create a workflow canvas for workflow '{0}'.

396 - FailedToCreateMinimap

Failed to create the minimap.

397 - FailedToCreatePropertiesView

Failed to create the properties window.

398 - FailedToCreateRule

Failed to create rule. View error log for more details.

399 - FailedToCreateRuleManager

Failed to create rule manager.